Dávid Natingga博士.D.,斯洛伐克Žilina地区Žilina开发人员
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Dávid Natingga博士.D.

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Žilina, Žilina斯洛伐克地区
October 13, 2020

Dávid helps his clients solve the most complex analytical problems using mathematics, data science, and technology. He has aided numerous clients, including big names like Infosys, Palantir, Suez, and TomTom. Dávid最热门的领域是高频时间序列分析. 他使不可能成为可能. 他的发明包括鲁棒傅里叶变换, 鲁棒异常检测, 克服了更高维度的诅咒. Dávid的优点包括好奇心、创造力和毅力.


GIS, Python, Bash, Git, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Java, Agile
Pact Coffee(实习生)
Git, 推荐系统, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Go, Data Science...





亚马逊网络服务(AWS), SQL, Go, Julia, Python, TensorFlow, Git, Linux, XGBoost, Rust

The most amazing...

...algorithm optimization I performed was to replace a heavy stack of AWS instances with one mathematical formula, 在普通的笔记本电脑上,哪一个计算瞬间.

Work Experience

Data Scientist

2019 - PRESENT
  • 为瞬态检测创造了新的机器学习算法, localization, anomaly detection, 以及需求预测, 水力管网内.
  • Contributed to a patented event-detection solution for the hydraulic time series.
  • Designed and developed analytical solutions to tackle specific problems faced by water utility companies.
  • Created data validation algorithms to validate imported data and to detect and correct corrupted time-series data.
  • Built an automatic report generation tool to provide an overview of the quality of the data, 查明数据中的具体问题, 并检测数据捕获的设备的问题.
  • 设计了一个可扩展的SQL数据库结构, 基于TimescaleDB扩展, 进行大规模的研究实验.
  • Found bugs in the client's infrastructure and advised its simplification and decoupling to make it more robust and more efficient for working between development and data science teams.
  • Created novel algorithms to detect mechanical misconfiguration of the sensor devices and correct the data from the misconfigured devices.
  • Conducted an extensive statistical study on the uncertainty and confidence intervals of the data received from the monitoring devices.
  • Developed a strategic roadmap and new architecture for advanced analytics.
Technologies: 研究,地理信息系统,时间序列分析,异常检测,预测, 凸优化, 线性规划, Statistics, Mathematics, Optimization, Algorithms, Matplotlib, Plotly, Keras, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, Julia, Python, Data Science, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), 预测分析, Git, GitLab, GitHub, JSON, JSON API, 数学分析, 数学建模, Data Analytics, Data Analysis, Rust, Time Series

Software Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • Figured out the specification of complex legacy GIS data for which no specification was known and migrated it successfully to a new format.
  • Converted, processed, and generated the entire world map data used in navigation platforms around the globe.
  • Developed probabilistic map data error detection tools for the given imperfect and erroneous data.
Technologies: GIS, Python, Bash, Git, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Java, Agile

Data Scientist

2014 - 2014
Pact Coffee(实习生)
  • 用Go语言开发了一种推荐新咖啡的算法, 没有用户反馈, 基于它们的内在属性.
  • Achieved the algorithmic performance superior to a professional coffee connoisseur.
  • 在普通硬件上提供快速的执行速度.
Technologies: Git, 推荐系统, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Go, Data Science, Data Analytics, Data Analysis


2013 - 2013
Palantir Technologies(实习生)
  • Developed a document similarity search plugin for the Palantir Government platform with an integrated security layer for the Elasticsearch server, covering http and the Palantir internal authentication endpoint and access control list.
  • 扩展代码库, 它包含了超过一百万行代码, 有有限的文件, 并且依赖于遗留软件.
  • Updated the previously developed plugin, 用于地图的html -出口商, thus satisfying existing clients.


2012 - 2012
Palantir Technologies(实习生)
  • 开发一个Java插件, 用于地图的html -出口商, exporting tiles, Palantir objects, KML objects, layers, and other map data from the Palantir Government platform to an HTML file.
  • 在不兼容的地理信息系统之间转换瓦片.
  • 直接与客户沟通, achieving a track record of successful deployments and uses of the plugin I developed.


2011 - 2011
Infosys Labs
  • Researched the optimization of parallel algorithms and analyzed asymmetric workload distribution, 导致出版.
  • Implemented a home-grown sequence data mining algorithm on Nvidia (CUDA) graphic cards.
  • 开发辅助工具,包括统计序列生成器.
Technologies: Git, Research, Optimization, Statistics, NVIDIA CUDA, C++, C, Data Science


使用线性优化(Google or工具), 根据电池价格找到最佳电池尺寸, charge rate, capacity, 以及电池可以变现的机会, 包括能源交易, balancing, and storage.


Turned a meter into a smart meter using its raw current and voltage data to track devices for consumption and predictive maintenance. Challenged state-of-the-art research and invented new robust algorithms and techniques to reach near-perfect performance for device disaggregation (accuracy over 99%).


给电动汽车充电可能比人们想象的要复杂得多. 每辆电动汽车都有不同的充电优先级, 有不同的最小和最大充电电流, 使用不同的阶段. These phases may be shuffled while the EV charging station's grid connection has limitations, 这是许多警告中的几个.

David has developed and successfully deployed a smart EV charging algorithm that takes care of the whole process using clever mathematics, 优化技术, 还有启发式算法.


A deep convolutional neural network to detect and classify images of animals into three categories: cats, dogs, and pandas. 我创建了模型, which was an adaptation of a general pre-trained VGG16 model to offset the limited amount of training data available. 模型在验证数据上的分类准确率达到97%以上.

Math Glass

The Math Glass puzzle for Android phones uses simple arithmetic operations to provide an intellectual challenge at various difficulty levels. 小学生可以解决初级水平. At later levels, one discovers that the human brain is too limited to test all the possible combinations to find the solution; this is where mathematical ingenuity is required to find shortcuts to success. In the end, a diligent player will discover basic tricks of number theory.


一个简单的安卓谜题,伴随着一个名叫索菲亚的角色. She is a baby mathematician who uses the beauty of mathematics at various levels of difficulty to find out the hidden digit in the number you are thinking of.



Implemented a simple quantum simulator in Rust with a quantum complete set of gates. This simple simulation works by computing the complex probability amplitudes for all the possible qubit measurements. The code deals with well-known concepts in quantum mechanics such as the Bloch sphere, superposition, entanglement, 测不准原理, collapse, and more.


Git, GIS, Plotly, GitLab, GitHub




Linux、NVIDIA CUDA、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)


Mathematics, Algorithms, Machine Learning, 人工智能(AI), Statistics, Optimization, Research, 推荐系统, Forecasting, 时间序列分析, Number Theory, Data Analysis, 数据质量分析, Data Analytics, Data Reporting, 数学分析, 数学建模, 凸优化, 预测分析, Data Visualization, Google Cloud ML, Deep Learning, Object Recognition, Computer Vision, 计算机视觉算法, 深度神经网络, NLU, 自然语言理解(NLU), Big Data, Economics, Cost Reduction & Optimization, 线性优化, OR-Tools, 组合优化, Signal Processing, Quantum Computing, Simulations, 物理模拟, Quantum Mechanics, Time Series


Python, Julia, Go, Java, SQL, C, c++, Bash, JavaScript, Python 3, Rust


TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Keras, Matplotlib, Node.. js、JSON API、XGBoost



2014 - 2019

Ph.D. 数学(可计算性理论)


2010 - 2014




Problem Solving




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